*required field
First Name*
Last Name*
Your Email*
Your Phone*
Current City*
Current State*
I am a...* potential planterpotential launch team member
I am interested in...*DenverSt. LouisMinneapolis / St. PaulNew York CityNashvilleBostonVirtual Coaching ClusterOther
Current Occupation: Please describe briefly how you make your living and/or occupy your time.*
If you are a recognized minister, what organization(s) are you affiliated with?
Experience* (Check all that apply) I have no prior experience in starting a church.I have helped start a church.I have been the primary leader of a new church start-up.I have been the primary leader of multiple church start-ups.
Context* (Check all that apply) I have no prior experience living near the center of a large city (500k+ population).I have lived in an outlying suburb of a large metro area.I have lived in 'first-ring' suburb of a large metro area.I have lived in a densely populated urban neighborhood (Population density 3,000+ people/square mile).
Education* (Check all that apply) I completely new to the concept of starting a new church.I have read some books and articles about starting a new church.I have attended a church planting focused conference or conferences.I have taken some college or graduate level courses on church starting.I have a formal degree in church starting/planting.
Have you taken an online church planter assessment?* Yes (Please attach below)No If not, you can take one by following this link: (Please note: If you are approved for inclusion in the cluster, the cost of the assessment will be included in your registration fee. If you are not approved to be in the cluster, you will be billed $150 via email to cover the cost of the assessment. By using the code URBAN2019, you are agreeing to be responsible for the cost of the assessment.) https://screening.cmnassessment.com/register Use code: URBAN2019
Have you been through an interview process to determine your readiness/competencies for the starting of a new church?* Yes (Please attach below)No