Next Wave Online Community

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Be A Part of the Next Wave

An Online Community designed to help start and sustain Faith Communities in Overlooked Places.

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Steve Pike has been at the forefront of church planting for thirty years. He served as founding director of Church Multiplication Network (CMN) for the Assemblies of God (USA) denomination.

Seeing a need for more church plants in cities, he founded Urban Islands Project, which exists to “increase the presence of the Church in the Urban O.”

His new community, Next Wave, is due out later this year. But part of the first chapter, in rough draft form and ready for your feedback, is available today.

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Weekly Community Meetups

Meet with Steve and the rest of the community each week to discuss problems the church is facing.

Special Guests

You never know who might join in. Ed Stetzer, Mark Batterson and other network leaders.

Tools & Resources

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What church leaders are saying about Steve Pike

  • Earl Creps
    Steve is an outstanding leader with a well-developed strategic sense and a reputation for integrity.
    Earl Creps
    Center for Leadership Studies
  • David Godbout
    I have experienced Steve as a motivated and well-resourced individual who enjoys working as a part of a team, and as a team leader. He has demonstrated the ability to work hard and intentionally to empower and enhance the work and lives of those he leads.
    David Godbout
    Pastor, Novation
  • Tim Satryan
    [Steve Pike] is an encourager and brings out the best in those who are around him. Steve is an innovative thinker, who creatively and tirelessly works to see new churches planted across America.
    Tim Satryan
    Lead Pastor, Valley Chapel Assembly of God
  • Dr. Robert Needham
    Steve is an innovative leader in these difficult times. His vision and willingness to try new things is refreshing and I recommend him.
    Dr. Robert Needham
    Business Advisor, Innovator, Analyst, Author
  • Ed Stetzer
    Steve has a reputation for initiating things others learn from. The Church Multiplication Network, which is an intra-denominational church planting network, has now been copied by many other denominations with varying levels of success. But Steve did it before anyone else.
    Ed Stetzer
    Christianity Today

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